Absence from school for more than two consecutive days is not allowed, except on medical grounds, subject to information is provided beforehand. A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be allowed to attend class unless her/his parent has entered an explanation stating the reasons for the absence, in the ‘Record of Non-attendance’ section of the Almanac, for each day (valid for 2 days) the student has been absent from school. In case of absence for more than 2 days on medical grounds, Medical Certificate and Prescription (photocopies) should be attached along with the application. In case of absence for more than 2 days without a pre-sanctioned leave on non-medical grounds, the parent should accompany the child on the day of joining and meet the school authorities.
In case a child reports to school after absence without an explanation in the Almanac, the parents will be called to school and the child will be sent back home. Repeated absence without notice or unexplained absence without written application for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have her/his name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may only be granted after approval by the Head of School and payment of a prescribed admission fee.There is no provision for half-day leave, therefore students who are not well should not be sent to school, even on the days of assessments. The child will be marked absent if she/he were to be taken home by parents/ guardians/ authorised persons during schools hours, even if it were to be an assessment day. The child will be awarded a zero for the assessment taken on that particular day. Students who require medical attention during school hours may be sent to the school Sick Bay by the teacher concerned, who will enter the nature of complaint and sign the ‘School Sick Bay Record’ section of the Almanac.
Students should not, except in emergency situations, visit the school Sick Bay, unless an entry has been made in the Almanac by a teacher. Parents will be promptly informed in the event of serious illness or emergency and may be requested to come to school to take their ward home, if necessary.A student, returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting her/him to attend school.
Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school. However, the exact period of quarantine will depend upon the severity of the infection which should be confirmed by a certified medical practitioner.
Chicken Pox | Till the scabs fall completely | Not more than 15 days |
Cholera | Till the child has completely recovered | Not more than 15 Days |
Measles | Two weeks after the rash disappears | Not more than 15 Days |
Mumps | Until the swelling has gone | Not more than 15 Days |
Whooping Cough | Till the doctor certifies | Not more than 20 Days |
Hepatitis | Till the doctor certifies | Not more than 20 Days |
Swine Flu | Till the doctor certifies | Not more than 15 Days |
All students are expected to attend school on the first day following the vacations. Absence on the day of closing/reopening of the school before/ after vacations will attract strict disciplinary action.It is compulsory for students to achieve optimal mandatory attendance in each term in order to be eligible to take the end-of-term assessment. This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Head of School. Unexplained absence for more than 10% of total number of working days may result in detention of the child in the same class. Even on medical grounds, a student cannot remain absent for more than 25% of total working days.
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