• Jangipur, Nagar Untari, Garhwa, Jharkhand - 822 121

Disciplinary Guidelines for Students

Discipline is the law of nature. Without it, nothing works. Inculcating discipline amongst children is the most significant aspect of education and is not confined to school alone. Parents, too, must co-operate with the school in observing these norms

The school reserves the right to terminate the continuance of students with unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is unexemplary for others. Students who are escorted to and from school in the care of domestic staff must submit an undertaking from the parent with the photograph of the nominated escort at the school office. They shall be allowed to leave the school premises with the nominated escort only if the request has been approved by the school authorities. Students may not leave the school premises without their nominated escort. In case of a delay in the arrival of such escorts, parents should report the matter to the school office. Students on their way to and from the school are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. They are strictly forbidden from purchasing eatables from unauthorized vendors/hawkers near the school premises.

Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences, whether in or out of school. Students found indulging in the same will be expelled.

Students should not write, scratch or engrave graffiti on desks, chairs, walls and other surfaces. Damaging or disfiguring any school property may result in suspension/ expulsion from school in addition to levy of heavy fine. They should not damage or remove things belonging to other students. Damage done even by accident must be reported at once to the Principal/ Coordinator(s)/ Class Teacher(s). Anyone who notices something damaged must report the matter to any of the personnel mentioned above. If a student causing damage to the school property is identified, he/she will be charged with a fine. In the event of collective damage to school property in a classroom, the entire class occupying that classroom will have to bear the cost of damages. Students are directed not to lock/ bolt the door of their class rooms/ other rooms in the school at any point during their stay on the campus under any circumstances.

Running and shouting in the school premises is not allowed. While using staircases and corridors, all must keep to the left. Loitering in the lobby and the office areas is strictly forbidden even during recess. It is strictly prohibited to wander inside the school premises and around the school campus after school gets over. Using unfair means in a test or examination is a grave offence. A student who is found using unfair means will be awarded zero in the subject and will be issued a strict warning. Repetition of the same offence will result in his/her expulsion from the school.

In order to acquire competency in spoken English, all students must converse in English while they are in school.

Loitering with undesirable/ unwanted/ unsocial people/ persons/ students from other schools is strictly prohibited. If found or reported then the roll of the student(s) will struck off from the rolls without notice with immediate effect. No friend request should be sent by opposite genders through social media and nobody will exchange any contact number with anybody else.Students are expected to carry books and notebooks in strict accordance with the time table and refrain from bringing unnecessary material to school. Under no circumstances will crackers, fireworks, firearms and any other inflammable material splashing colours during Holi be permitted in school. They are prohibited from bringing sharp and injury causing articles such as knife, scissors, paper cutters etc. bringing any publication, reference books, electronic devices, including mobile phones, cameras, i-pods, i-pads, Tablets and secondary storage devices (CDs, DVDs, pen drives, portable HDD, micro SD or SD cards, etc.), not relevant to academic pursuits. Violation may result in suspension and/or levying of heavy fine in addition to confiscation of the items. Bringing money to school is not allowed. It is strictly against the school policy. Bringing expensive stationery (pens, pencils, fancy pencil-box, etc.) to school is strictly forbidden. Such items will be confiscated. Heavy fine will be levied if found in possession in addition to being suspended from school. In the interest of their own security, students are advised not to buy or receive any articles, gifts or foodstuff from anyone en route. The school is not to be held responsible for the loss of personal belongings

It is mandatory for all students, unless instructed otherwise, to be present for School festivals and functions celebrated in and outside the school. The School is committed to protecting the environment and expects its students to be environment friendly in all their actions. The use of poly bags (plastic bags) is, therefore, strictly prohibited in the school and students should consciously avoid its use for any purpose.

Students are not allowed to celebrate any occasion / birthday or get together in school by distributing invitation cards or gifts or sweets or chocolates. They are not allowed to organise any get together outside school premises by endorsing the name of the School.They are not permitted to wear wrist watches in the school, if found with students, shall be confiscated, and the parents would need to pay fine to retrieve the same.Any violation of this rule will result in strict disciplinary action and expulsion from school. The school organises annual health check-up for all its students.