The school’s Library is open to all students from Class III onwards. All classes have Library period in their weekly schedule. Students visiting the Library have to observe the following rules: Every student shall borrow and read books from library. Until the previously issued book is returned, students will not be eligible for a fresh issue. Reference books are not for issue. These books can be read only in the Library. If books are returned late without a valid reason, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for a period of up to 4 weeks. Books marked, disfigured, damaged or lost while in possession of borrowers will have to be replaced by them, failing which their parents will be billed twice the cost of the book. Any student found deliberately damaging or defacing a book may be debarred from the Library for the entire term or academic year and a heavy fine will be levied. Students are not allowed to bring their personal books or belongings to the library. Library books should be returned in time (within 1 week) for which parents have to take full responsibility. Strict discipline has to be maintained in the library. The entire process of the book issue and return, care and maintenance is managed by students themselves. These books are issued and returned during specified class hours.
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