A student using the school bus is expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. The buses will not wait for the late comers. All students must occupy seats immediately after boarding the buses. Students have to be on the correct side of the arriving bus. They should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives. Parents should, for the safety of their children, ensure that their wards are always escorted to and from bus stops. Students are allowed to board and disembark from their allotted bus at their designated bus stop only, for commute to and from school. There is no provision for temporary change in bus or bus stops. Students who miss the allotted bus, should not try to board their bus en route or any other bus. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the parents to drop their wards to school. Such students may, however, return by their allotted bus. Parents trying to stop the bus and force their ward to board the bus along the route will lead to withdrawal of bus facility and a heavy fine. Parents/Guardians of students who do not avail school transport should present themselves at the school gate at the start of dispersal of students from the school to collect their wards. In case of supervision, if the vehicle transporting the student is found violating any of the rules laid down by appropriate authorities, s/he will then have to begin using school transport or use an alternative mode of transport which is safe, legal and conforms to the prescribed rules. In case of change in residence of a student to supervision area, an application should be made to the school along with a verifiable proof of residence. Under no circumstance are students allowed to go behind or under the buses parked in the school campus. Students are also not allowed to sit in parked buses during school hours. Students should not touch the instrument panel or first aid box, or fire extinguisher in buses. Students must make sure that the aisle of the bus is clear, and that school bags and other belongings are placed properly. Students must keep all parts of their body inside the bus at all times. When the bus is in motion, students should not move around in the bus. They should not put their hands out even for waving. No item/object should be thrown inside or outside the bus during the journey. The consumption of edibles and any kind of drinks other than water is not permitted in the bus. Unruly behaviour like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited. No student should come near the entry door of the bus until the bus reaches the school campus. Any misbehaviour on part of a student with the bus driver, conductor, bus teacher or another student will be viewed as a grave misdemeanour and lead to suspension from school. Parents are not allowed to enter the school bus under any circumstance nor is it expected that they get into an argument with the bus teacher/ driver/ conductor. Transport facility of the child may be suspended or even cancelled for any such confrontation reported. The driver’s attention must not be distracted for any reason. Drivers are authorised to stop buses at designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus teacher, after consultation with the Transport In-charge and the Head of School. No students will board the bus without the bus card / bus pass.
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